20 Last-Minute Christmas Gift Ideas for the Mom Who Has Everything
It’s almost Christmas, and I know there are lots of folks out there who still haven’t finished Christmas shopping! In fact, there are probably some who haven’t even gotten started! For those last-minute shoppers who have a homeschool mom on your Christmas list, I’m sharing this list of 20 last-minute Christmas gift ideas for the mom who has everything.

Keep in mind that these gifts can come from a child, a teen, a spouse, or even a friend. Some of these gift ideas for the mom who has everything will be more appropriate for kids to give to Mom, some might be better for a spouse to give, and some are great for anybody to give. Each one is either a fun or meaningful gift or a fun way to let the recipient know you’re going to do some kind of act of service for her, that you want to spend some time with her, or that you want to give her the gift of something she’ll enjoy doing.
Many of these gift ideas are super inexpensive, and most don’t require going out of your way to buy something that’s hard to find. All you need to do is buy or make the suggested item, write (or print) a note to go with it (if you’ve chosen to give a gift that represents an act of service or experience that will take place in the future), and wrap it up or put it in a gift bag.
I’ve included ideas for the note to go with these gift ideas for the mom who has everything. You can use my suggestions or come up with your own. Each note will need to be personalized and expanded on since I’m not writing out the entire note. This way, you can explain in a more personal way the reason you chose to give this gift and (if the gift represents an act of service or future experience) what it represents.
Last-Minute Gift Ideas for the Mom Who Has Everything
The most important thing to think about as you read this list and decide which one(s) to give is to consider what the homeschool mom would like best—not what you would like best. It’s easy to buy gifts based on what we (the gift giver) would like to receive, but it’s a little harder to choose gifts based on what the recipient would rather receive. It’s important, though, to keep her preferences in mind so the gift will truly show your love and appreciation for her in a way that she’ll enjoy.
1. Coffee Date
What to Give: a cute coffee mug or a mug with an inspirational or meaningful message
Note to Include: This coffee mug represents the gift I’m giving you for Christmas. I’m giving you the gift of a coffee date. I enjoy spending time with you, and I think a coffee date is a fun way to do that. We can choose a date and time that work for both of us, and you get to choose the coffee shop. Your coffee will be my treat. Merry Christmas!
2. House Cleaning
This one could work two ways. Either you can clean the house for the homeschool mom, or you can pay someone else to clean it. You’ll probably want to specify this in your note.
What to Give: a toy broom or toy vacuum cleaner, etc.
Note to Include: This toy _____ represents the gift I’m giving you for Christmas. I’m giving you the gift of a clean house! I know it’s hard as a busy homeschool mom to make time to clean the house, so I’d like to clean your house for you. (Or you can change this sentence to say: so I’d like to pay {person’s name} to clean your house for you.) Merry Christmas!
3. Hand-Drawn Portrait of Mom
This is a meaningful gift for a child to give to Mom. You could have the child draw Mom’s portrait and give that as the gift, but it will be more fun (for both Mom and Child) to have Mom sit for her portrait to be drawn. This is among the most unique gift ideas for the mom who has everything, and it will definitely leave an impression. Of course, you do whichever best fits your situation.
What to Give: either the finished hand-drawn portrait or a set of colors, colored pencils, or markers
Note to Include: If the gift giver chooses to draw the portrait ahead of time, simply wrap it and give it to Mom. If he or she would rather have Mom sit for her portrait to be drawn, a note will need to be included to explain the gift that is being given. Here is a suggestion to get the giver started:
I’m giving you these (colors, colored pencils, or markers) so I can use them to draw a portrait of you. I would like to have you sit for me so I can look at you as I draw. You are an awesome, beautiful mom, and I love you! Merry Christmas!
4. Poem to Mom or About Mom
What to Give: either the finished poem or paper and pencil
Note to Include: If the gift giver writes the poem ahead of time, simply wrap the paper on which the poem is written and give it to Mom. Or you may want to write it on pretty stationery and frame it so Mom can display it. If the giver wants to let Mom choose what kind of poem she wants, then give paper and pencil as the gift, and include a note to explain. Here’s a suggestion to get you started:
For Christmas this year, I’m going to write a poem for you (or about you). You get to choose if you want me to write a funny poem, a sweet poem, or if you want me to decide what kind of poem to write. Or you can even request that I write a funny poem and a sweet one! I love you very much, and I hope you have a very merry Christmas!
5. Jar of “Things I Love About Mom”
One of my very favorite Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten was a jar full of little slips of paper on which my daughter wrote: “Reasons Why I Love You.” She was about 10 years old at the time she gave it to me. She’s now 19 years old, and it’s still my favorite because it came from her heart. I will always keep it and cherish it! So, this is in my top five gift ideas for the mom who has everything.
What to Give: any kind of jar (Mason jar, decorative jar, etc.) containing slips of paper with things the giver loves about Mom
Note to Include: For Christmas this year, I want you to know how much I love you. Sometimes moms are so busy and do so much for us kids that you don’t always feel very much love in return. That’s why I’m giving you a jar full of lots of reasons why I love you. I hope you love my gift as much as I love you! Merry Christmas!
6. You’ll Cook Dinner One Night
What to Give: plastic cutlery or a menu of the foods you will make for dinner
Note to Include: I know deciding what to cook and cooking dinner every evening is tiring and time-consuming, so I’d like to do it for you one night! You choose the night, and I’ll take over the kitchen. I’ll even choose the menu (unless you want to choose) so you don’t have to plan or think about it at all. You’ll only have to sit down and enjoy your meal. Merry Christmas!
7. Her Favorite Treat
What to Give: either the ingredients (the non-perishable ones) to make her favorite treat or (if it doesn’t have to be refrigerated) the treats themselves
Note to Include: I know how much you love (name of treat), so I’d like to make some for you! I’ll do all the prep work, cooking (or baking), and I’ll even clean the kitchen when I’m done. All you have to do is enjoy (name of treat). Merry Christmas!
8. A Pottery Class, Art Class, Etc.
Homeschool moms don’t usually take enough time for themselves. So, while it can seem difficult to find the right gift ideas for the mom who has everything, giving her something that will allow her to have some “me time” might be just the thing.
What to Give: a certificate (from the class or a homemade one) with the name and other information about the class
Note to Include: I know homeschool moms are usually so busy homeschooling, taking care of the house, cooking and cleaning the kitchen, and doing the million other things you do each day, so I want to give you the gift of doing something fun for yourself. I hope you enjoy this (pottery, art, etc.) class!
9. A Rafting or Canoe Trip
What to Give: a small toy boat or miniature paddle or even a picture of a raft or canoe
Note to Include: I love spending time with you, and I know you enjoy rafting (or canoeing), so I’m giving you a rafting (or canoeing) trip for Christmas! Even if it’s spring before we get to take our trip, we’ll have it to look forward to. I’ll pack our lunch and water, and I’ll rent the raft (or canoe) so all you have to do is show up ready to have a fun day! Merry Christmas!
10. A Hiking Trip (or Even a Walk)
What to Give: toy tennis shoes (or real ones if she needs them)
Note to Include: I love spending time with you, and I know you enjoy hiking, so I’m giving you a hiking trip for Christmas! Even if it’s spring before we go, we’ll have it to look forward to. I’ll pack our lunch and water and whatever else we need so all you have to do is show up ready to have a fun day. Merry Christmas!
11. A Massage, Manicure, or Pedicure
What to Give: a certificate for a massage, manicure, or pedicure (from the business or a homemade one) with the name of the business and any other information that’s needed
Note to Include: You’re a hard worker, and I’d like to give you a massage (or manicure or pedicure) so you can pamper yourself for a change! If you’ll let me know a good day and time, I’ll even call and make the appointment for you so all you have to do is show up. Merry Christmas!
12. Fill Her Car with Gas
I love these kinds of gift ideas for the mom who has everything, because they’re practical and useful.
What to Give: a toy car
Note to Include: I know pumping gas is something you don’t love to do (and paying for it is even worse!), so I’d like to fill up your gas tank for you. I’ll take the car to the gas station, fill the tank, and pay for it. Merry Christmas!
13. Her Favorite Music
Did you know people still make mixtapes? They do! And it’s a super fun way to share a few new songs along with plenty of the recipient’s favorites. You might want to make a mixtape by literally adding songs to a cassette tape (but you may have to give the recipient a cassette tape player to play it on). Or, if you want to get more modern, you can burn a CD or even use a flash drive. If you don’t know how to do those things, read this WikiHow article that explains how to make a mixtape (including the modern versions).
If you don’t want to make the playlist using a cassette tape, CD, or flash drive, you can create it on Spotify, SoundCloud, or another online platform. If you’re not sure how to do it, just google how to make a playlist on (name of platform).
What to Give: a tiny toy CD player or cassette player, or a list of songs, etc.
Note to Include: Since you love music, I made a playlist of some of your favorite songs and a few I think you’ll like. You can find the list by (tell her how/where to find the playlist if you created it on, for example, Spotify). I hope you enjoy it and think of me while you’re listening to the music you love! Merry Christmas!
14. Podcasts She Will Enjoy
What to Give: podcasts you’ve downloaded (See #13 above about how to make a playlist and, instead of music, include podcasts.)
Note to Include: (If she already loves podcasts) I know how much you love listening to podcasts, so I downloaded some I think you’ll love! Merry Christmas! (If she doesn’t currently listen to podcasts) I know you don’t listen to podcasts, but I hope you’ll give them a try. They’re perfect to listen to while you go for a walk, clean the kitchen, do laundry, or while you’re taking care of other not-so-exciting tasks. I downloaded some podcasts just for you, and I think you’ll enjoy them. Merry Christmas!
15. Make a Meal Plan for a Week and Go Grocery Shopping to Buy the Food for It
What to Give: toy food or the meal plan (if you’ve already created it)
Note to Include: Since meal planning and grocery shopping are things you have to do often, I would like to give you a week of meal planning. I’ll even do the grocery shopping to buy the ingredients that are needed for each meal. Merry Christmas!
16. Calendar with Family Birthdays (and Other Special Days)
When it comes to gift ideas for the mom who has everything, this is one of those she will treasure for a long time.
What to Give: cute calendar with family birthdays (and maybe anniversaries or other special days) marked in it
Note to Include: It can be hard to keep up with the birthdays of all of our family members! I saw this calendar and thought you would love it, and I’ve marked the birthdays of our family members so you don’t have to try to remember them all. (Optional: I also included anniversary dates for _____ and these other special days ___.)
17. Lunch or Dinner Date
What to Give: toy food or menus from local restaurants she might want to go to
Note to Include: This toy food (or these menus) represents the gift I’d like to give you for Christmas. I’m giving you the gift of a lunch or dinner date. I enjoy spending time with you, and I think a lunch or dinner date is a fun way to do that. We can choose a date and time that work for both of us, and you get to choose the restaurant. Your meal will be my treat. Merry Christmas!
18. An Oil Change
What to Give: a toy car or a certificate for an oil change
Note to Include: For Christmas this year, I’d like to give you an oil change for your car. I’ll pay for it, and I’ll even take your car to get the oil change done. Merry Christmas!
19. Give a Donation to Her Favorite Charity
This is one of the most meaningful gift ideas for the mom who has everything!
What to Give: a certificate showing that you donated to her favorite charity or (for example) a small Bible if you donated to a religious charity or some other item associated with the charity you donated to.
Note to Include: I know you support and care a lot about (name of charity), so I donated ($ amount) in your honor. It makes me happy to help support a charity that means so much to you! Merry Christmas!
20. Run Errands for Her (or with Her)
What to Give: a toy car, toy grocery cart, or a certificate saying you’ll run errands for her (or with her)
Note to Include: I know running errands is necessary, but I also know it can be boring! That’s why I’m giving you the gift of running your errands for you for a day (or a week). Or, if you’d rather or if some of the errands are things you personally have to do, I’ll go with you so we can visit while taking care of errands. If I can’t run the errands for you, at least it will be more fun that way!
Do you have an idea to add to our last-minute Christmas gift ideas for the mom who has everything? If so, please share your idea in the comments!
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Wendy is one of the owners of Hip Homeschool Moms, Only Passionate Curiosity, Homeschool Road Trips, Love These Recipes, and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She married her high school sweetheart, Scott, 31 years ago, and they live in the South. They have three adult children. Hannah, age 27, has autism and was the first homeschool graduate in the family. Noah, age 25, was the second homeschool graduate and the first to leave the nest. Mary Grace, age 19, was the last homeschool graduate. Wendy loves working out and teaching Training for Warriors classes at her local gym. She also enjoys learning along with her family, educational travel, reading, and writing, and she attempts to grow a garden every summer with limited success. (But she's learning!)