Homeschooling Resources from A-Z
One of the best things about homeschooling right now is also one of the most overwhelming – the abundance of homeschool curriculum and resources. To help narrow it down a bit, I thought a list of some of my favorite homeschooling resources in an alphabetical format might be in order.

All About Spelling. Hands-down, our favorite spelling curriculum is All About Spelling. Its multisensory approach is perfect for all types of learners, but it’s especially effective for dyslexic learners, closely following Orton Gilligham principals.
Bible Study Guide for All Ages. We used Bible Study Guide for All Ages for many years. My two favorite things about it are the fact that it covers entire books/chapters of the Bible at a time, rather than just disconnected sections, and there are 3 levels of accompanying worksheets so young kids all the way through adult learnners can study the same lesson together.
Christian Kids Explore science series. The Christian Kids Explore science series is one of my favorites for elementary ages. I used a couple of the titles with my oldest and then again with my younger two. You can read my review of Christian Kid Explore Biology from way back when if you’d like.
Donna Young. Donna Young’s site is a wealth of information. There are planning forms, recordkeeping forms, and printables for a huge variety of academic subjects. It’s a site I’ve used from my early days of homeschooling and one that I think every homeschooler should have bookmarked.
Easy Grammar and Daily Grams. One of the longest-running staples of our homeschool is . We’re not currently using them because the textbooks that the kids use for English cover grammar. However, because of Easy Grammar and Daily Grams, all of my kids have said that they like grammar.
Freshi Online Learning. Freshi Online Learning (FLO) is a nifty resource for kids who enjoy digital media, filmmaking, and video game design. The self-paced lessons utilize affordable, easily accessible, industry standard software.
Great Products Homeschool T-Shirts. People are always asking me where we got the kids “unsocialized homeschooler” t-shirts. We bought our first ones from Great Products probably a decade or so ago and we’ve been purchasing great homeschool shirts from them ever since.
History Odyssey. If you’re looking for history with a strong literature focus that includes geography and writing, check out History Odyssey. We’ve used and enjoyed both the elementary and middle school levels. (Note: I think the middle level is rigorous enough for many high school students, particularly if you have those with learning struggles.)
Institute for Excellence in Writing. We used Institute for Excellence in Writing for a year or two. It wound up not being the best fit for us, but it’s an excellent program that I can highly recommend with confidence.
Jump In. If you’ve got reluctant writers, Jump In was a program that worked well for my oldest.
Knowledge Quest. Knowledge Quest carries history and geography products, but my favorite resources from them are their classes. I highly recommend their Upper Level Homeschool class for those who are or soon will be homeschooling high school students.
Lexercise. Lexercise was truly an answer to prayer for us. If you suspect that your child may have dyslexia, I strongly encourage you to take their free dyslexia screener. Josh completed their dyslexia therapy program and I can’t say enough good things about them. You will find several reviews of their services on my reviews page.
Math with Teaching Textbooks. We have used Teaching Textbooks since the time my kids were in 4th or 5th grade all the way through high school. Love.
No Fear Shakespeare. We’re huge fan of the No Fear Shakespeare books. It’s so nice having the paraphrase on the facing page for those times when you just can’t quite figure out what’s going on.
Organize with A Plan in Place. We’ve been using A Plan in Place student and teacher planners for the last year or so. We love the fact that we can customize them so they’re the perfect fit for our homeschool.
Pin It Maps. We’ve been using Pin It Maps since August and Megan loves them. They’re so much more fun than filling out a paper map in a textbook.
Quizlet. Quizlet is a fantastic site to have bookmarked. It makes studying so much more fun and interactive. You can create your own review lists or use existing ones.
REAL Science Odyssey. We really enjoyed hands-on science with REAL Science Odyssey for the elementary and middle school years. We used Level 1 biology and earth science and Level 2 biology.
Scripture Memory System from Simply Charlotte Mason. We’ve used the scripture memory system since my kids were little all the way through graduation. It’s perfect for all age and ability levels – even for your personal scripture memorization.
Trail Guide to Learning. I can’t recommend Trail Guide to Learning highly enough. I never thought I’d be an all-in-one curriculum kind of girl, but Trail Guide turned that around for me. It truly saved our homeschool.
Uzinggo. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use online supplement for middle and high school science and math, check out Uzinggo. They offer a free 14-day trial.
Victus Study Skills. We worked through the Victus Study Skills System the summer before my kids started 7th and 9th grades and I have since recommended it to homeschool and public school families alike. We tell kids they need to study harder, but we don’t teach them how to study – and study skills don’t come naturally. Victus helps kids identify their learning/study style and offers them tips on how to study effectively for their style, while also providing study and note-taking skills beneficial to all types of learners.
WriteShop. If you prefer a step-by-step approach to teaching writing for kids in elementary through high school, I recommend WriteShop. We’ve used WriteShop I and II and WriteShop Junior Level D. If you’re unsure which is right for you, check out my comparison of WriteShop and IEW.
Xtra. Okay, I had to cheat a bit here because I couldn’t think of anything we’ve ever used that starts with an X, so I thought I’d share a fun extra with you – See the Light Art Projects. I really like their projects because each is a self-contained art project, so we can just do one for a few weeks or we can do several of them for a semester or year long art class.
YouTube. All homeschoolers should be aware of what a fantastic resource YouTube is. We’ve enjoyed everything from biology lessons to sign language to guitar. If you’re looking for it, chances are there is some way to supplement what you’re learning with YouTube.
Zeezok. Zeezok Publishing offers so many great products. We’ve enjoyed their composer studies and their government series. A Noble Experiment will be my kids’ high school level government and economics course either this year or next.
Those are some of my favorite resources, A-Z. I’m sure I left out some great ones. What are some of your favorites?
Kris Bales is a newly-retired homeschool mom and the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest founder (and former owner) of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. Kris and her husband of over 30 years are parents to three amazing homeschool grads. They share their home with three dogs, two cats, a ball python, a bearded dragon, and seven birds.
We’ve used for math fact drill. The kids enjoy it well enough, and they made good progress in math facts!
I’ve never heard of that one. It would have been perfect for X. Oh, well. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!
Our three favorites are Konos, Life of Fred, and Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy lessons.
Another vote for Xtra Math! Quick, easy, free math drills that only take a few minutes each day.
We love Spelling You See, A Reason For Handwriting, Cursive Logic, My Father’s World, Grapevine Studies, and many more. 🙂
Love the ABC format! What a great idea! Now you’ve got my wheels turning!
Great list of resources! Thank you so much!