We started home educating way back in 2002. Many things have changed since then, but one thing hasn’t. When you’re getting started, one of your biggest concerns is figuring out how to homeschool.
Even if you know and accept that no two families are going to have the same style and realize that your methods may change over time, you still want a general idea of how this home educating thing is supposed to look.

Whether you’re just starting to consider home education or you’ve already jumped in with both feet, I’ve rounded up some critical articles to help you figure out how to homeschool – for YOUR family.
Starting to Homeschool
Even though it’s an older article, these 10 tips for starting to homeschool are still relevant.
You’ll also want to check out a series of articles I wrote that tackles some of the questions I’m asked most often. Part 1 addresses the “how to homeschool” question, including the day-to-day and legal aspects.
Part 2 looks at how to choose curriculum, the cost of schooling at home, and how to introduce home education to your kids.
Finally, Part 3 answers common questions (and worries) new homeschooling parents have, such as how to plan a homeschool day or how to get homeschooled kids into college.
High School
Parents of teens face additional challenges. As the mom to three homeschool grads, I’ve written lots of articles to help guide you through those years. You’ll want to start with the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling High School.
After you consider the pros and cons of homeschooling high school, check out other helpful tips such as:
- Homeschooling high school on a budget
- Choosing high school curriculum
- High school electives
- Field trips for high school students
- Hands-on activities for high school students
- Schedules for homeschooled teens
Home educating high school seems overwhelming, but you really can do it.
Homeschool Schedules
Another daunting aspect of teaching your children at home can be figuring out your schedule, whether that means your yearly homeschool calendar or your daily schedule. Two of the most important things to remember are that home educating doesn’t have to take place between 8 AM and 4 PM, and a predictable routine is usually better than a strict schedule.
First, figure out your best homeschool schedule and then consider the factors that will impact your schedule.
Also, consider that you may want to help your older kids work our their own schedule. Check out my tips for allowing homeschooled teens to make their own schedule.
Students with Special Needs
You may be surprised to learn that home educating is often one of the best educational options for special needs students. For example, strength-based homeschooling allows your student to focus on his strengths rather than his weaknesses, and you don’t need an IEP to get accommodations for struggling learners.
Choosing Curriculum
We all worry whether or not we’ll be able to homeschool successfully. One of the ways we seek to overcome this fear is by choosing the perfect curriculum. But guess what? The ideal curriculum doesn’t exist. Instead, ask other families about their favorite homeschooling resources, read homeschool curriculum reviews, and expect to experience a bit of trial and error before finding the best fit for your family.
You probably don’t even need as much curriculum as you think you do! Check out:
- Teaching history without a textbook
- Teaching curriculum-free geography
- How to teach math without a book
We’ve also got tips on how to choose curriculum without losing your mind and how to make your curriculum work for you.
Still have questions? Ask us on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group! And bookmark this page so you can check back for updates and additional resources.